These are the Swedish immigrants who arrived in 1849 and settled in Chautauqua or Warren county.  Each entry includes the the reference number used in this database, the name used in this database (which will typically differ from their baptismal name in Sweden), the passenger number, the manifest entry, and reference to them in the works of Olsson.

Passengers in bold typeface had family already in the area.

Passengers aboard the barque CHARLES TOTTIE arriving 12 July 1849 in New York City from Göteborg

Notes: Passengers were numbered on the manifest. 226 Passengers, 2 deaths, 0 births.

Database ReferenceManifest
No.Immigrant NameNo.Passenger NameReferences
1849.042Carl Fredrik Edmon8C.F. EdmonOlsson 1967: 156, 159 note 87, Olsson 1979: 96. I do not agree with Olsson that this was one of two Swedes named Edman in Tennessee. The shoemaker's family was listed in Buffalo (4th Ward) in the 1850 census and Carl Fredrik Edman was listed as an individual in Swensson's 1856 congregation list in Sugar Grove.
i1600Mrs. Frederick (Anna) Edmon9Anna EdmonOlsson 1967: 156
i1601Francis Edmon10Fred. Oscar EdmonOlsson 1967: 158
i0109Jacob Nilsson30Jakob NilssonOlsson 1967: 158, 159 note 99
1849.002Mrs. Lars (Ellen) Lawson31Lina JohannesdotterOlsson 1967: 158, 274; sister of Mrs Germund (Charlotte) Johnson
1849.003Nils Johan Jakobson32Nils Johan JakobsonOlsson 1967: 158
1849.004Mrs. (Lena) Brant33Carolina JackobsonOlsson 1967: 158
1849.005Anna Maria Perhsdotter34Anna M. PehrsdotterOlsson 1967: 158, 159 note 1
1849.006Augustus Runbroom Merrill35Gustaf PehrsonOlsson 1967: 158
1849.007Johan Christian Johnson36Johan D. JohnssonOlsson 1967: 158
1849.008Peter Hanson43Peter HanssonOlsson 1967: 160, 161 note 3
1849.009Mrs. Peter (Sophia) Hanson44Anna S. EriksdotterOlsson 1967: 160
1849.048Swan Peterson51Leon P. PetersonBesked N:o 57 Linköpings domkyrkoförsamling. His immigration in 1849 indicated in Swedish-Americans of Minnesota, p 442. Olsson 1967: 160
1849.058Peter Hanson72Peter HanssonBesked N:o 16, Mossebo, Hägerstad parish, Östergötland. Settled in Galesburg, Illinois
1849.054Peter Lawson85Peter M. LarssonBesked N:o 11 Hult,  Kisa parish, Östergötlands län. Olsson & Wiken 1995: 340. Family stories indicate that parents and brother died soon after arriving in America.
1849.055Mrs. Peter (Elisa) Lawson86Anna L. Monsdotter
1849.056Mrs. Andrew (Josephine C.) Johnson87Carolina J. (Monsdotter)Orphan raised by William and Sally Seabury, Busti (not Swedes). She was listed as Euphonia or Josephine Lawson or Seabury from 1850 census to 1880 census.
1849.057Oscar Lawson222Frantz O. PetersonPossible listing based on patronym, middle initial and age (b. 3 Feb 1849) otherwise not listed on manifest. Also, confused documentation in household registry, but  documented in baptismal records and in 1850 census.
1849.010Anna H. Hanson225Anna Helena PetersdotterLikely listed as Anna Helena Petersdotter, 3 months, see Olsson 1967: 170
1849.011John Nelson103Johan NilssonOlsson 1967: 164, 165 note 27
1849.012Mrs. John (Mary) Nelson104B.S. NilssonOlsson 1967: 164
1849.050Mrs. A. G. (Carolina) Anderson106Carolina (Nilsson)Besked N:o 17, Kisa Parish. Olsson 1995: 341
1849.013Abraham Swanson162A. SwendsonOlsson 1967: 166, 167 note 43
1849.014Mrs. Abraham (Anna Maria) Swanson163Anna. M. HolkmanOlsson 1967: 166
1849.015Mrs. Swan (Eliza) Peterson164Brita L. HolkmanOlsson 1967: 166
1849.016Mrs. Andrew P. (Louisa) Johnson165Anna L. HolkmanOlsson 1967: 166
1849.017John Anderson169John AnderssonOlsson 1967: 166, 167 note 45
1849.018Mrs. John (Caroline Oberg) Anderson170Carolina J. AnderssonOlsson 1967: 168
1849.019Johanna Matilda Anderson171Joh. M. AnderssonOlsson 1967: 168

Passengers aboard the ship BRØDRENE arriving 17 August 1849 in New York City from Göteborg

Notes: Passengers were not numbered on the manifest, numbers have been assigned based on the page order correction suggested by Erik Wikén, A Transposed Passenger Manifest, Swedish American Genealogist, 1989 Volume 4.  Transport of 141 Passengers, 0 deaths, 0 births.

Database ReferenceManifest
No.  Immigrant NameNo.Passenger NameReferences
1849.051 Andrew Johnson22Anders J. JohnsonOlsson 3063, Tailor
1849.020Lars Lawson24Lars LarsonOlsson 1967: 174, 175 note 95, 276-277
1849.021Mrs Lars (Anne) Lawson25Anne OloffsdatterOlsson 1967: 174
1849.022Mrs. Augustus (Mathilda H.)26Johanne MathildeOlsson 1967: 175
1849.023John P. Lawson27Johan PetterOlsson 1967: 175
1849.024Mrs. Geoge A. (Anna) Lindquist28Anne LouiseOlsson 1967: 175
1849.025William Lawson Thorpe29Lars WilhelmOlsson 1967: 175
1849.026Samuel Johnson86Saml SjostrandOlsson 1967: 176; Olsson 1979: 96-97 note 3a.
1849.027Charles J. Peterson87C.J. PetersonOlsson 1967: 176, 177 note 4, 277
1849.028Mrs. Charles J. (Anna L.) Peterson88Anne L. MillsdotterOlsson 1967: 176
1849.029Christina Peterson89A. MargrettaOlsson 1967: 176
1849.030Mathilda Peterson90Anne MathildeOlsson 1967: 176
1849.031Peter A. Peterson91Peter AugustOlsson 1967: 176
1849.053Nicholas Nelson92Nicolay NielsonOlsson 1967: 176
1849.044Peter Johnson105Peter JohansonOlsson 1967: 176, 177 note 8, 277
1849.032John Peter Tinnerstedt106Lick Johan PetersonOlsson 1967: 176, 177 note 9, 277
1849.033Mrs. John Peter (Maria Christina) Tinnerstedt107Maja Stina JohansdatterOlsson 1967: 176
1849.034Catherine Tinnerstet108Anne CatharineOlsson 1967: 176
1849.035Mrs. Urias (Charlotta) Martin109Charlotte CarolineOlsson 1967: 176
1849.052Sarah Peterson (Tinnerstedt)134Sara Stine Johansdat.Listed separately from family on manifest. Olsson & Wiken, p 356.
1849.036Samuel Samuelson113Saml SamsonOlsson 1967: 180, 181 note 23, 278
1849.037Mrs. Samuel (Mary) Samuelson114M.S. SamelsdatterOlsson 1967: 180
1849.038Charles J. Samuelson115Carl Johan OscarOlsson 1967: 180
1849.039Christina Samuelson116Christine LouisaOlsson 1967: 180
1849.040Caroline J. Samuelson117Carolina JosephineOlsson 1967: 180
1849.041Mary J. Samuelson118Joahnne MarieOlsson 1967: 180
1849.045Mrs. Andrew (Catherine) Peterson120Christine Hansdotter
1849.046Andrew Peterson121Anders J. Johanson
1849.047John A. Peterson122Anders Johan

Passengers aboard the barque VIRGINIA arriving 24 August 1849 in New York City from Göteborg

Notes: Passengers were numbered on the manifest.   Captain E.A. Jansson, transport of 79 immigrants, no deaths listed.  A description of this journey was written by Daniel Alfred Peterson, who was a child at the time, see D.A. Peterson, From Östergötland to Iowa, Swedish Pioneer Historical Society, v 22, n 3 (July 1971), p 136-152.

Database ReferenceManifest
No.Immigrant NameNo.Passenger NameReferences
i2578Hans Fredriksson18Hans FredriksonBesked N:o 6, Djursdala parish, Kalmar. Olsson 1967: 182.
i2579Ingrid Swensdotter19Ingri FredriksonOlsson 1967: 182
1849.062Mrs. Pontius (Mary) Oberg20Ing FredriksonOlsson 1967: 182

Passengers aboard the barque EMILIE arriving 10 October 1849 in New York City from Göteborg

Notes: Passengers were numbered on the manifest.  Transport of 16 immigrants, no deaths listed.

Database ReferenceManifest
No.Immigrant NameNo.Passenger NameReferences
1849.043John Edmon8Johan EdmonOlsson 1967: 200, 201 note 64. He was the older brother of Carl Fredrik Edmon who arrived earlier the same year on the CHARLES TOTTIE.
i1602Greta Lisa Pehrsdotter9Greta E. EdmonOlsson 1967: 200
i1603Johanna Albertina Edmon10Johanna PehrsdotterOlsson 1967: 200
1849.049John Mellin13Johan Aug PehrsonBesked N:o 7 Stjärnevik, Oppeby parish, Östergötland


  1. I would like to contribute some information about my ancestors, Abraham Swenson and Swan Peterson who both arrived on the Charles Tottie 12 July 1849. Abraham Swenson, as he liked to be called in America, is listed here as Abraham Swanson (1849.013). His family was: wife, Anna Maria Hakansdotter (1849.014) and his two daughters, Brita Lisa (Eliza) (1849.015) and Anna Lovisa (Louisa) (1849.016). Swan Peter Peterson (10237), my GG Grandfather, also came on the Charles Tottie on 12 July 1849. Olsson misidentified Swan as "Leon" (p.160), but you can find him on the original ship list (#51) and it is definitely "Swan" not "Leon." (I've never heard of a Swede called Leon!) Swan married Eliza on Christmas Day 1849 and in 1857 the whole extended family (along with some other Chandler Valley Swedes) moved to Vasa, Minnesota.

    1. Do you know what minister married Swan and Brita Lisa?

  2. Thanks. I've update the passenger listing for the CHARLES TOTTIE to include Swan Peterson who is now listed as (1849.048) rather than (i0237).

    The transcription of Olsson likely should have noted Swen or Sven. It is common in this period for the L's and S's to be indistinguishable and on this manifest they certainly were. Leonhard (Leon.) while unusual was not so uncommon during this period in Sweden (there was a trend towards more Germanic sounding names).

  3. I would like to contribute some information about Mrs. A.G. Anderson according to an account by her granddaughter Mildred (Sundstrom) Peterson in my family records:

    Carolina (Nelson) Anderson was born March 29, 1837 in Kisa Parish, Ostergotland, Sweden. When she was three weeks old her mother died of diptheria. Her father, John Nelson later remarried. In 1849 at the age of 12, she came with her father, stepmother, an uncle, an aunt, and three cousins to America (Frank Nelson from Pennsylvania, was one of the cousins.)

    There was another immigrant ship that left Sweden at the same time. Each day they watched the other ship. One night there was a bad storm and they heard a terrible crash. The next day the other ship was nowhere to be seen and they never heard of it, nor any of the immigrants aboard.

    After a six weeks voyage they landed in New York. When they landed their Captain was taken prisoner for having an overloaded boat.

    An epidemic of cholera was raging in New York, so all were kept on ship three days after they landed. They were with a party of immigrants that let New York City traveling down the canal to Buffalo. Of the 300 immigrants, only 12 remained alive. The uncle being one who died of cholera.

    Carolina married A.G.(Gustav) Anderson on December 13, 1855 in Sugargrove, Pennsylvania. Moved to Vasa, MN in 1862 and to Swea Iowa in 1872.

    1. Mrs. A.G. Anderson [1849.050] arrived aboard the Swedish brig Charles Tottie that left Göteborg about 18 May 1849.
      Onboard were her father John Nelson [1849.011] and
      his second wife Brita Stina Pehrsdotter [1849.012] who was pregnant, she gave birth in August to Martha, her
      uncle Jacob Nilsson [1849.001 added note that he died of cholera] and his wife/her
      aunt Lena Jonsdotter [1849.002] who would remarry Lars Lawson [1849.020], plus
      cousin Carolina Albertina Jacobsdotter [1849.004]
      cousin Nils Johan Jacobsson [1849.003]
      cousin Frank Peterson [? uncertain if he was also onboard or if he arrived later]

      The only other ship to leave port with emigrants at about the same date was the MINONA, also loaded with iron and emigrants. That ship left Göteborg on 14 May bound for Boston and made port safely 12 July 1849.

      I found no news in Sweden that Capt. Nicholas Beckman that he was detained.

      Also, no news of the storm. When the MINONA returned to Göteborg the note was simply (trans.) "Brig. Minona, Capt. C.L.Lundgren, sailed from here last May 12th to Boston loaded with iron and 65 passengers, who on the journey were multiplied by 3 children born, and returned to this port on August 5th, after 25 days of travel arriving at Gothenburg on 9 August. 1849." Göteborgs Handels- Och Sjöfartstidning, 1849.08.10, p 4.

  4. Could the C. J. Peterson listed as Manifest No: 87 on the BRØDRENE arriving 17 August BRØDRENE1849 in New York City from Göteborg, be a Johan Carl Peterson Born in Arendal, Norway in 1829?

  5. Nils William Olsson identified the C.J. Peterson on the BRØDRENE as Charles J. Peterson [1849.027 and Olsson & Erik Wikén reference No. 3128]. This voyage of the ship was filled with Swedish emigrants only.

    Charles J. Peterson settled first in Sugar Grove and then in 1852 moved to Andover, Henry County, Illinois where he died in 1894.
